The strategy for making bibliographical repositories mandatory is becoming widespread. An interesting post by Heather Morrisson provides an overview of the question.
Ms Morrison describes the spectacular increase in institutional and departmental repositories. Commitments to deposit in ROARMAP have tripled in the last year, largely due to the fact that 26 Finnish institutions have come onboard.
The number of open access journals is constantly on the rise, with 4,4000 titles registered in DOAJ (2 new titles per day in 2009!). OpenDOAR numbers more than 1500 repositories (even though only 8% strictly adhere to the rules of the game; they are the most complete). Scientific Commons, a project to make scientific content available online in open access (open archives) currently includes more than 32 million publications, having added more than 8 million documents in 2009 (i.e. 22,000 publications per day).